How to Get More Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger

Tips of saving hourglasses

Most of you who might have played mystic messenger for while will probably know the struggle of wanting to buy your next bae's route, but-


But there are no hourglasses?!

For me after learning how to gain hourglasses easily this was not a problem anymore, the despair of wanting to play Jumin's route back then in 2016 was almost leading me to buy them, but as a person who likes to earn things with hard-work let me present you my tips on saving hourglasses.

I can guarantee you that they will work since I accumulated 609 of them and already have unlocked all routes, especially later routes will cost you a bunch so keep in mind that at some point you might need hourglasses more than you think for after stories and extras.

1.) Missing a chat or two, will still do!

Even with school I was able to get most of the chats in time, but at some point there are days where you can't get on your phone for several hours and then suddenly it happens that it was the day where RFA thought "Hey you know what let's all get online when MC is busy on the day and just put all the chats there."

Right that happened a lot to me, there were times where I was awake at night and evening but no chats and suddenly in the early morning, where I slept in they accumulated.

Do not worry, even though it might seem overwhelming you don't need to play them all to get a good ending or hourglasses.

Sometimes like in Zen's case there are chats where it doesn't depend whether you are online or not the character will still drop you many hourglasses, for those chats don't waste any to repeat them.

On the other hand you might find some chats that need your interaction to trigger the hourglass receive, for that you need to find the right conversation and character to invest in.

Don't blindly repeat every chat when not needed, especially if you played it in another run, you can go back to history chats and see if it was actually worth participating.

You can still buy them after reading the offline version of the chat so read through it once at least and decide if it's worth it.

2.) What to say to make the day?

Choose your words wisely might be the case if you want to get as many hourglasses as possible.

There are some easy hourglasses investors like Zen, Seven and Yoosung who are easy to approach and receive hourglasses from.

The former even showers you with them without you having to do much.

In Zen's case as long as you avoid talking about Jumin or taking a strict logic side it will be easier to get hourglasses from him, especially if you add compliments and show him that you are interested in his work.

Seven is an easy target as well, as long as you play along with his pranks, jokes and even compliment his cosplays you will almost in every chat get hourglasses, he is the generous Seven-Zero-Seven after all if you acknowledge his hard work he will be just as nice to acknowledge you.

For Yoosung if you show interest in his gaming hobby and encourage him enough you won't do much wrong, he loves compliments that support his cute and care-free personality which will cause you to gain some hourglasses here and there.

Then we have Jaehee and Jumin who rank last with hourglasses since they are both trusting MC until a later point and are even suspicious at first.

Jaehee is a Zen stan, if you awake her inner fangirl you might land some hits there and even get some nice pic of Zen along the way, also if you are showing her your concern for her working hard she might drop one extra for you.

Mr. Trust Fund kid may have a stoic and cold attitude at first, but the cat-lover will be always pleased if you just talk and swoon about his precious Elizabeth the 3rd.

If Seven tries to joke around about it, don't go along with it.

You can gain hourglasses with Jumin and bond with him at the same time if you are aiming for his route.

His dry humour will let you have some special treatment if you just laugh along with him as well!

3.) Missed a call?

Don't call back, at least not if you are in need of hourglasses.

Calls are nice and interesting, especially those who come at evening or night since they do not ask you about food constantly, but don't let those calls strain your wallet.

The chance of the other party not picking up or even dumping you (like Jumin) is kind of risky and in the end you will pay hourglasses for something like that.

If you are already at a point where you don't need to save up anymore it might have a nice ring to call but they are not necessary to understand the main story going on in that route.

4.) Re-Fresh

Got a bad ending or wanting to get them from a save point?

While saving time with that I would consider a fresh new reset, because resetting is free and will give you the chance to get some hourglasses again from day one to four.

Starting from a save point may be nice to get yourself all the endings but every time you load the game from a save point, firstly you spend hourglasses on it and secondly you miss the precious hourglasses that the characters provided for you in the beginning.

I realized that in the pre-route days the characters shower you with more hourglasses and if you skip them after playing them only once or twice, the amount of hourglasses you will miss is kind of big.

You don't need to play all of the chats but if you already have a gist or remember where certain members gave you some I would advise to catch those chats and farm hourglasses.

5.) Play, play and play

Yes, the only way to gain them is to play the game anyway.

Like I mentioned previously getting a bad ending might suck, but you can take the opportunity and explore every route's ending.

Even if it might sound tiresome to restart from new any time, just take it casually and you can either maxspeed through the first chats or even let the chat run while you do something else next to it.

Then if you have enough hourglasses, you just go on Jumin's route and call him all the time or maybe just talk to Saeran on day 8 until he-

If you gained a steady amount of hourglasses you will enjoy the game a bit more not worrying if you miss some important chats or how you need to play again to gain some for the after endings.

The best experiences in mystic messenger are those different routes and perspectives, so while farming hourglasses why not explore them all?

Any other tips on saving hourglasses?

Did they help you and how much did you save with those tips?

Write it down below, I am excited for some feedback!

Oh and now I need to take this call, Jumin might want some tea time-

yes, hello this is Makii?

Category: Games, Mystic MessengerTags: 707, calls, chats, cheritz, hourglasses, hyun, jaehee kang, jumin han, messenger, mysme, mystic, otome, ray, routes, saeran, saeyoung, saving, saving on hour glasses, simulation, tips, V, yoosung kim, zen

How to Get More Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger


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