What Is Supposed to Be in a First Aid Kit




1. The ordinal number matching the number one in a series.

2. The one coming, occurring, or ranking before or above all others.

3. The beginning; the outset: from the first; at first.

4. Music The voice or instrument highest in pitch or carrying the principal part.

5. The transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.

6. The winning position in a contest: finished the season in first.

7. Baseball

a. First base.

b. A first baseman.


1. Corresponding in order to the number one.

2. Coming before all others in order or location: the first house on your left.

3. Occurring or acting before all others in time; earliest: the first day of spring.

4. Ranking above all others, as in importance or quality; foremost: was first in the class.

5. Music Being highest in pitch or carrying the principal part: first trumpet.

6. Of, relating to, or being the transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.

7. Of, related to, or being a member of the US president's household: first daughter Sasha Obama.


1. Before or above all others in time, order, rank, or importance: arrived first; forgot to light the oven first.

2. For the first time.

3. Rather; preferably: would die first.

4. In the first place; to begin with; firstly.


first off /thing

From the start; immediately: Why wasn't I told first off? When I get to work, I have to call my lawyer first thing.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



adj (usually prenominal)


a. coming before all others; earliest, best, or foremost

b. (as noun): I was the first to arrive.

2. (Mathematics) preceding all others in numbering or counting order; the ordinal number of one. Often written: 1st

3. rated, graded, or ranked above all other levels

4. (Automotive Engineering) denoting the lowest forward ratio of a gearbox in a motor vehicle

5. (Music, other) music

a. denoting the highest part assigned to one of the voice parts in a chorus or one of the sections of an orchestra: first soprano; the first violins.

b. denoting the principal player in a specific orchestral section: he plays first horn.

6. first thing as the first action of the day: I'll see you first thing tomorrow.

7. first things first things must be done in order of priority

8. the first thing (in negative constructions) even one thing: he doesn't know the first thing about me.


9. the beginning; outset: I knew you were a rogue from the first; I couldn't see at first because of the mist.

10. (Education) education chiefly Brit an honours degree of the highest class. Full term: first-class honours degree

11. something which has not occurred before: a first for the company.

12. (Automotive Engineering) the lowest forward ratio of a gearbox in a motor vehicle; low gear

13. (Music, other) music

a. the highest part in a particular section of a chorus or orchestra

b. the instrument or voice taking such a part

c. the chief or leading player in a section of an orchestra; principal

14. (Music, other) music a rare word for prime11


15. before anything else in order, time, preference, importance, etc: do this first; first, remove the head and tail of the fish.

16. first and last on the whole; overall

17. from first to last throughout

18. for the first time: I've loved you since I first saw you.

19. (sentence modifier) in the first place or beginning of a series of actions: first I want to talk about criminality.

[Old English fyrest; related to Old Saxon furist, Old Norse fyrstr, German Fürst prince, one who is first in rank]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., used as the ordinal number of one.

2. highest or chief among several voices or instruments of the same class: first alto; first horn.

4. (often cap.) being a member of the household or an intimate acquaintance of the president of the U.S. or of the governor of a state: the First Lady; Checkers, the first dog.


5. before all others or anything else in time, order, rank, etc.

6. before some other thing, event, etc.: If you're going, phone first.

7. for the first time.

8. in preference to something else; rather; sooner: I'd die first.

9. in the first place; firstly.


10. the person or thing that is first in time, order, rank, etc.

11. the beginning.

12. the first part; first member of a series.

13. the voice or instrument that takes the highest or chief part in its class, esp. in an orchestra or chorus.

14. low gear; first gear.

15. the winning position or rank in a race or other competition.

16. Usu., firsts. products of the highest quality or those produced without flaws.


1. at first sight, at the first glimpse; at once: love at first sight.

2. first off, at the outset; immediately.

[before 1000; Middle English; Old English fyr(e) st]

first′ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. 'first' used as an adjective

The first thing, event, or person of a particular kind is the one that comes before all the others.

She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet.

Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space.

If you want to emphasize that a thing, event, or person is the first one of their kind, you can put very in front of first.

The very first thing I do when I get home is have a cup of tea.

2. 'first' used as an adverb

If an event happens before other events, you say that it happens first.

Rani spoke first.

When people get their newspaper, which page do they read first?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'firstly' with this meaning. Don't say, for example, 'Rani spoke firstly'.

3. 'first' and 'firstly' used as sentence adverbials

You can use first or firstly to introduce the first point in a discussion, the first of a series of questions or instructions, or the first item in a list.

First, mix the eggs and flour.

There are two reasons why I'm angry. Firstly you're late, and secondly, you've forgotten your homework.

If you want to emphasize that an item is the first one you are going to mention, you can say first of all.

I have made a commitment, first of all to myself, and secondly to my family.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'firstly of all'.

4. 'at first'

When you are contrasting feelings or actions at the beginning of an event with ones that came later, you say at first.

At first I was reluctant.

At first I thought that the shop was empty, then from behind one of the counters a man appeared.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'firstly' in sentences like these.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. first - the first or highest in an ordering or series first - the first or highest in an ordering or series; "He wanted to be the first"

number one

former - the first of two or the first mentioned of two; "Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today"

rank - relative status; "his salary was determined by his rank and seniority"

2. first - the first element in a countable series; "the first of the month"

number 1, number one

no., ordinal, ordinal number - the number designating place in an ordered sequence

3. first - the time at which something is supposed to begin; "they got an early start"; "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"

offset, outset, showtime, commencement, get-go, starting time, beginning, kickoff, start

birth - the time when something begins (especially life); "they divorced after the birth of the child"; "his election signaled the birth of a new age"

incipience, incipiency - beginning to exist or to be apparent; "he placed the incipience of democratic faith at around 1850"; "it is designed to arrest monopolies in their incipiency"

point in time, point - an instant of time; "at that point I had to leave"

starting point, terminus a quo - earliest limiting point

threshold - the starting point for a new state or experience; "on the threshold of manhood"

4. first - the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate)

first base

position - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"

baseball team - a team that plays baseball

5. first - an honours degree of the highest class

first-class honours degree

honours, honours degree - a university degree with honors

double first - a first-class honours degree in two subjects

Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom

6. first - the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle first - the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving

first gear, low gear, low

auto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine - a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

gear mechanism, gear - a mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle)

Adj. 1. first - preceding all others in time or space or degree; "the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training"

front - relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch"

early - at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties"

original - being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach"; "with original music"; "an original mind"

primary - of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"

last - coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining; "the last time I saw Paris"; "the last day of the month"; "had the last word"; "waited until the last minute"; "he raised his voice in a last supreme call"; "the last game of the season"; "down to his last nickel"

2. first - indicating the beginning unit in a series first - indicating the beginning unit in a series


ordinal - being or denoting a numerical order in a series; "ordinal numbers"; "held an ordinal rank of seventh"

3. first - serving to set in motion first - serving to set in motion; "the magazine's inaugural issue"; "the initiative phase in the negotiations"; "an initiatory step toward a treaty"; "his first (or maiden) speech in Congress"; "the liner's maiden voyage"

initiative, initiatory, maiden, inaugural

opening - first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"

4. first - serving to begin first - serving to begin; "the beginning canto of the poem"; "the first verse"


opening - first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"

5. first - ranking above all others; "was first in her class"; "the foremost figure among marine artists"; "the top graduate"

foremost, world-class

best - (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit"

6. first - highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections; "first soprano"; "the first violin section"; "played first horn"

music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner

second - a part or voice or instrument or orchestra section lower in pitch than or subordinate to the first; "second flute"; "the second violins"

Adv. 1. first - before anything else; "first we must consider the garter snake"

first of all, first off, firstly, foremost

2. first - the initial time; "when Felix first saw a garter snake"

for the first time

3. first - before another in time, space, or importance; "I was here first"; "let's do this job first"
4. first - prominently forward; "he put his best foot foremost"


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



5. foremost, highest, greatest, leading, head, ruling, chief, prime, supreme, principal, paramount, overriding, pre-eminent The first priority for development is to defeat inflation.


1. novelty, innovation, originality, new experience It is a first for New York.

from the first from the start, from the beginning, from the outset, from the very beginning, from the introduction, from the starting point, from the inception, from the commencement, from the word `go' (informal) You knew about me from the first, didn't you?

"Many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first" Bible: St. Mark

"First come, first served"
"First things first"

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Preceding all others in time:

2. At or near the start of a period, development, or series:

3. Most important, influential, or significant:

capital, cardinal, chief, foremost, key, leading, main, major, number one, paramount, premier, primary, prime, principal, top.

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



nejdříve první poprvé

først første topkarakter



ensimmäinen ensin kerta ykkönen

prvi prvo


fyrstur á undan

最初に 最初の 最初のもの

맨 첫 처음으로 첫 번째의


pirmas pirma pirmagimis pirmasis pirmiausia

pirmais pirmkārt vispirms


najprej prvi prvič

etta först förste högsta betyg

ครั้งแรก ที่หนึ่ง อย่างแรก

cơ bản đầu tiên trước hết



A. ADJprimero; (before m sing n) → primer
I was first!¡yo iba or estaba primero!
during the first three months of pregnancydurante los primeros tres meses de embarazo
he felt a bit lonely for the first few dayslos primeros días se sentía un poco solo
the first three correct answers win a prizelas tres primeras respuestas correctas se llevan un premio
first-past-the-post system (Parl) sistema de votación por mayoría relativa
at firstal principio
on the first floor (Brit) → en el primer piso (US) → en la planta baja
at first hand directamente
from first to last de principio a fin
in the first place en primer lugar
to win first place (in competition) → conseguir el primer puesto, ganar
to win first prize ganar el primer premio
first strike weaponarma f de primer golpe
the first time la primera vez
see also instance A2
see also thing A2


1. (in place, priority) → primero
first one, then anotherprimero uno, después otro
we arrived firstfuimos los primeros en llegar, llegamos los primeros
ladies firstlas señoras primero
women and children first!¡las mujeres y los niños primero!
first of all ante todo, antes que nada
to come first (in race) → ganar, llegar el primero; (= have priority) → estar primero, tener prioridad
the customer/your homework must come firstel cliente es lo primero/tus deberes son lo primero
first and foremost ante todo, antes que nada
to get in first (in conversation, process) → adelantarse
you go first!¡tú primero!, ¡pasa tú!
head firstde cabeza
you have to put your children's needs firstprimero están las necesidades de tus hijos
first come, first servedel que llega primero tiene prioridad
free tickets, on a first-come-first-served basisentradas gratis, por riguroso orden de llegada

2. (in time) (= before anything else) → primero, antes de nada
first, I need a drinkprimero or antes de nada or antes que nada, necesito una copa
first, I don't like it, second, I haven't got the moneylo primero: no me gusta, lo segundo: no dispongo del dinero
first and last (= above all) → por encima de todo
first off primero de todo, antes de nada

4. (= rather) → primero, antes
let him in this house? I'd kill him first!¿dejarle pisar esta casa? ¡primero or antes lo mato!
I'd die first!¡antes me muero!

D. N

1. (Aut) → primera f
in firsten primera

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= before others) → le premier(la)/ière
Ralph spoke first → Ralph a parlé le premier.
Jenny arrived first → Jenny est arrivée la première.
to come first (in race)arriver premier/ière
Rachel came first → Rachel est arrivée première.
head first → la tête la première
feet first → les pieds devant

(= before that) → d'abord
I want to get a job, but first I have to pass my exams → Je veux trouver du travail, mais d'abord je dois réussir mes examens.

to put sth/sb first (= give priority to) → donner la priorité à qch/qn

(= for the first time) → pour la première fois
They first met in 2002 → Ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois en 2002.


(= person) → premier/ière m/f
to be the first to do sth → être le premier à faire qch
He was the first to film them → Il a été le premier à les filmer.
She was the first to arrive → Elle est arrivée la première.
first come first served → les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis

to be a first for sb → être une première pour qn

(AUTOMOBILES) (also first gear) → première f

(= first day) the first of January → le premier janvier
on the first → le premier


(British) (= floor above the ground floor) → premier étage m
on the first floor → au premier étage, au premier

(British) (on the floor above the ground floor) [flat, sitting room, restaurant, balcony] → au premier étage

(US) (= ground-floor) [apartment] → au rez-de-chausséefirst form n (British)sixième f, classe f de sixièmefirst fruits nplpremiers résultats mpl first-generation [ˌfɜːrstdʒɛnəˈreɪʃən] adjde la première générationfirst grade n (US)cours m préparatoirefirst-grade [ˌfɜːrstˈgreɪd] adj (US) [teacher, class, student] → du cours préparatoirefirst-grader [ˌfɜːrstˈgreɪdər] nélève mf de CPfirst hand n
at first hand → directement
to see sth at first hand → constater qch directementfirst hand firsthand, first-hand [ˌfɜːrstˈhænd] adv [know, experience, see] → directementfirst-hand firsthand [ˌfɜːrstˈhænd] adj [experience, knowledge] → de première mainfirst lady n

(US) (= wife of president) → première dame f des États-Unis

the first lady of jazz → la plus grande dame du jazzfirst language npremière langue f first lieutenant n

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adjerste(r, s); his first novelsein Erstlingsroman m; he was first in the queue (Brit) or in line (US) → er war der Erste in der Schlange; he was first in Latiner war der Beste in Latein; who's first?wer ist der Erste?; I'm first, I've been waiting longer than youich bin zuerst an der Reihe, ich warte schon länger als Sie; the first time I saw her …als ich sie zum ersten Mal sah, …; is it your first time?machst du das zum ersten Mal?; there always has to be a first timeeinmal ist immer das erste Mal; we managed it the very first timewir haben es auf Anhieb geschafft; in first place (Sport etc) → an erster Stelle; to be or lie in first placean erster Stelle liegen; in the first placezunächst or erstens einmal; why didn't you say so in the first place?warum hast du denn das nicht gleich gesagt?; first time aroundbeim ersten Mal


zuerst; (= before all the others) arrive, leaveals erste(r, s); first, take three eggszuerst or als Erstes nehme man drei Eier; that's not what you said first zuerst hast du etwas anderes gesagt; first come first served (prov) → wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst (Prov); on a first come first served basisnach dem Prinzip „wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst"; women and children first Frauen und Kinder zuerst; ladies first Ladies first!, den Damen der Vortritt; you (go) first nach Ihnen; he says first one thing then anotherer sagt mal so, mal so; before he says anything I want to get in first with a few commentsbevor er irgendetwas sagt, möchte ich einige Bemerkungen anbringen; what comes first in your order of priorities?was steht bei Ihnen an erster Stelle?, was ist Ihnen am wichtigsten?; but, darling, you know you always come first aber, mein Schatz, du weißt doch, dass du bei mir immer an erster Stelle stehst; he always puts his job first seine Arbeit kommt bei ihm immer vor allen anderen Dingen

(= before all else)als Erstes, zunächst; (in listing) → erstens; first of all (= before all else, mainly)vor allem; first (of all) I'm going for a swimals Erstes or zu(aller)erst gehe ich schwimmen; why can't I? — well, first of all or first off (inf), it's not yours and secondly …warum denn nicht? — nun, zunächst or erstens einmal gehört es nicht dir und zweitens …; first and foremostzunächst; first and foremost, he is a writerzuallererst ist er Schriftsteller; first and last he is an Englishmaner ist durch und durch Engländer

(= for the first time)zum ersten Mal, das erste Mal; when did you first meet him?wann haben Sie ihn das erste Mal or zum ersten Mal getroffen?; when this model was first introducedzu Anfang or zuerst, als das Modell herauskam; when it first became known that …als erstmals bekannt wurde, dass …; this work was first performed/published in 1997dieses Werk wurde 1997 uraufgeführt/erstveröffentlicht

(= before: in time) → (zu)erst; I must finish this first ich muss das erst fertig machen; think first before you sign anythingüberlegen Sie es sich, bevor Sie etwas unterschreiben

(Naut, Rail) to travel first erster Klasse reisen


the first der/die/das Erste; (= former)der/die/das Erstere; he was among the (very) first to arriveer war unter den Ersten or Allerersten, die ankamen; they were the first to congratulate mesie gratulierten mir als Erste; he was the first home/to finisher war als Erster zu Hause/fertig; (in race) → er ging als Erster durchs Ziel; she wore a blouse and a skirt, but the first was too tight and the second too baggysie trug eine Bluse und einen Rock, aber erstere war zu eng und letzterer zu weit

this is the first I've heard of itdas ist mir ja ganz neu; the first he knew about it was when he saw it in the paperer hat erst davon erfahren, als er es in der Zeitung las

at first zuerst, zunächst; from the first von Anfang an; from first to lastvon Anfang bis Ende

(Brit Univ) → Eins f, → Note f„Eins"; he got a first er bestand (sein Examen) mit „Eins" or „sehr gut"; he was supposed to get a first er war ein Einserkandidat

it's a first (= first time ever done)es ist das allererste Mal(, das so was gemacht wird); it's a first for me/the firm (= new experience)ich habe/die Firma hat noch nie so etwas gemacht; this is a first for the citydas passiert zum ersten Mal in der Stadt

(Aut) first (gear)der erste (Gang); in first im ersten (Gang)

(US Baseball) → erstes Base or Mal ? also sixth



first-aid post, first-aid station

nSanitätswache f


adj attr

(Rail, Aviat, Tourism) flight, train, ticket, cabinerster Klasse; a first hotelein Erste-Klasse-Hotel nt, → ein Hotel nterster Klasse; first travelReisen plerster Klasse; a first ticketeine Fahrkarte erster Klasse; a first compartmentein Erste-Klasse-Abteil nt; first passengersReisende plin der ersten Klasse

(Post) first mail bevorzugt beförderte Post; first postage/stamp Porto/Briefmarke für die bevorzugt beförderte Post; first letter bevorzugt beförderter Brief

(Brit Univ) first (honours) degreeExamen ntmit „Eins" or „sehr gut"; he graduated with first honourser machte sein Examen mit „Eins" or „sehr gut"

(Sport) career, innings etcin der obersten Spielklasse; first cricket die oberste Kricket-Spielklasse to play first cricket in der obersten Kricket-Spielklasse spielen


(Aviat, Naut, Rail) travel, flyerster Klasse

first-day cover

nErsttagsbrief m


vt (Scot) → einen Neujahrsbesuch abstatten (+dat)


adj citizen, computerder ersten Generation



first night

n (Theat) → Premiere f; first nervesPremierenfieber nt

first-past-the-post system


adj first narratorIcherzähler(in) m(f); first narrativeIcherzählung f

first responder

n usu plErsthelfer m, Rettungskräfte wie Feuerwehr, Polizei etc, die als erste am Unglücksort eintreffen

first-strike weapon

nErstschlagwaffe f

first-time buyer

n jd, der zum ersten Mal ein Haus/eine Wohnung kauft, → Erstkäufer(in) m(f)


n (inf)

(Comm) → Erstkäufer(in) m(f)

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(fəːst) adjective, adverb

before all others in place, time or rank. the first person to arrive; The boy spoke first. eerste الأوَّل пръв primeiro první erst, zuerst første; først πρώτος primero esimene, esimesena اول ensimmäinen premier, première ראשון प्रथम, पहला prvi, na prvom mjestu első pertama fyrstur primo 最初の[] 첫 째의 pirmas pirmais pertama eerst først, som nummer én/den første pierwszy لومړی primeiro primul первый prvý prvi prvi först, första เป็นอันดับที่หนึ่ง ilk 第一 перший مقام میں سب سے پہلے thứ nhất; đầu tiên 第一


before doing anything else. `Shall we eat now?' `Wash your hands first! eers أوَّلا първо primeiro nejdříve zuerst først πρώτα primero kõigepealt ابتدا ensin d'abord קודם आरम्भ में ponajprije, prvo először (is) lebih dulu á undan prima まず最初に ! 첫째로 pirma, pirmiausia pirmkārt; vispirms dahulu eerst først najpierw لومړی primeiro mai întâi сперва najskôr najprej najpre först เป็นอันดับแรก ก่อนทำสิ่งอื่น önce спершу, спочатку کچھ بھی کرنے سے قبل trước hết


the person, animal etc that does something before any other person, animal etc. the first to arrive. eerste الأوَّل първенец primeiro první der/die/das Erste første πρώτος primero esimene اولین ensimmäinen premier/-ière הַרִאשוֹן प्रथम, पहला prvi (najbolji) ucenik, osoba... az első yang pertama fyrstur primo 最初のもの 첫째(최초)의 사람(것) pirmasis pirmais pertama de eerste den første pierwszy لومړی primeiro primul, prima первый prvý prvi prvi första, förste คนหรือสัตว์ที่มาก่อนคนอื่น ilk kişi/şey, birinci kişi/şey 首先 той, хто перший کوئی شخص یا جانور جو سب سے پہلے کچھ کرے người đầu tiên; vật đầu tiên 首先

ˈfirstly adverb

in the first place. I have three reasons for not going – firstly, it's cold, secondly, I'm tired, and thirdly, I don't want to! eerstens أولا на първо място primeiramente za prvé erstens for det første πρώτον, κατ' αρχήν en primer lugar esiteks اولاً ensiksi en premier lieu ראשית पहले prvo, prije svega, ponajprije először pertama í fyrsta lagi in primo luogo 第一に 첫째로 pirma pirmkārt yang pertama ten eerste for det første po pierwsze په سرکی primeiro în primul rând во-первых po prvé prvič najpre för det första อันดับแรก birincisi 第一 по-перше پہلی بات thứ nhất 第一

first aid adjective (etc) treatment of a wounded or sick person before the doctor's arrival: We should all learn first aid; ()

first-aid treatment. eerstehulp مُساعَدَه أوَّلِيَّه първа помощ primeiros socorros první pomoc Erste Hilfe førstehjælp πρώτες βοήθειες primeros auxilios esmaabi کمک های اولیه ensiapu premiers soins עֶזרָה רִאשוֹנָה प्राथमिक चिकित्सा prva pomoć elsősegély pertolongan pertama hjálp í viðlögum, skyndihjálp pronto soccorso 応急手当 응급 치료 pirmoji pagalba pirmā palīdzība; pirmās palīdzības- bantuan kecemasan eerste hulp førstehjelp pierwsza pomoc لومړني كمكونه primeiros socorros prim ajutor первая помощь prvá pomoc prva pomoč prva pomoć första hjälpen การปฐมพยาบาล ilk yardım 急救 перша допомога; швидка допомога مریض یا زخمی کی پہلی طبی امداد sự sơ cứu 急救

ˈfirst-born adjective, noun

(one's) oldest (child). eersgeborene البِكْر първороден primogênito prvorozený erstgeboren, der/die/das Erstgeborene førstefødt πρωτότοκος primogénito esiklaps بزرگتر esikoinen premier-né בכור पहली संतान prvorodeni (dijete); prvorođenac elsőszülött sulung frumgetinn, elstur primogenito 最初に生まれた 맨 처음 태어난 pirmagimis pirmdzimtais anak pertama eerstgeboren førstefødt pierworodny غټ primogénito primul născut первенец prvorodený, -á prvorojen(ec) prvorođeni förstfödd เกี่ยวกับคนหัวปี ilk doğan; ilk çocuk 最年長的(孩子) первісток پہلا بچہ đầu lòng; cả 最年长的(孩子)

ˌfirst-ˈclass adjective

1. of the best quality. a first-class hotel. eersteklas دَرَجَه أولى първокласен de primeira classe prvotřídní erstklassig førsteklasses; top- πρώτης κατηγορίας de primera clase esmaklassiline درجه یک ensiluokkainen de première classe מַחלָקָה רִאשוֹנָה पहला दर्जा najbolji első osztályú terbaik fyrsta flokks di prima classe 一流の 최고급의 pirmaklasis, aukščiausios klasės pirmšķirīgs kelas pertama eersteklas førsteklasses, på/av første klasse najlepszej jakości لومړی درجه de primeira classe (de) clasa întâi первоклассный prvotriedny prvovrsten prvoklasan första klassens ชั้นหนึ่ง birinci sınıf 第一流的 першокласний, першорядний عمدہ قسم کا hạng nhất 第一流的

2. very good. This food is first-class! eersteklas مُمتاز، درجَه أولى отличен excelente prvotřídní ausgezeichnet førsteklasses; i top; uovertruffen πρώτης τάξης de primera calidad, excelente eriti hea عالی erittäin hyvä de première qualité מעולה बहुत अच्छा odlican elsőrendű lezat fyrsta flokks, fyrirtaks di prima qualità すばらしい 매우 좋은 aukščiausios kokybės, geriausias lielisks sangat sedap eersteklas førsteklasses pierwszorzędny ښه excelente (de) cali­tatea întâi превосходный prvotriedny prvovrsten sjajan förstklassig เยี่ยมมาก çok güzel, mükemmel 極好的 першокласний بہت اچھا rất ngon; rất tốt 极好的

3. (for) travelling in the best and most expensive part of the train, plane, ship etc. a first-class passenger ticket; (also adverb) She always travels first-class. eersteklas دَرَجَه أولى първа класа de primeira classe v první třídě erster Klasse førsteklasses-; på første klasse πρώτη θέση de primera clase esimese(s) klassi(s) درجه یک ensimmäisessä luokassa en première classe מַחלָקָה רִאשוֹנָה पहला दर्जा prvorazredan, najbolji első osztályú kelas satu fyrsta farrÿmi in prima classe 1等の 1등석의 pirmoji klasė (par ceļošanu) pirmās klases-; pirmajā klasē kelas pertama eersteklas første klasse pierwszej klasy لومړی درجه de primeira classe (de) la clasa întâi первого класса prvá trieda v prvem razredu prva klasa förstaklass-, första klass การเดินทางโดยพาหนะราคาแพงที่สุด birinci mevki 頭等艙 такий, що належить до першого класу ریل، جہاز وغیرہ کے سب سے بہترین حصے میں سفر کرنا hạng nhất 头等车(舱)

ˌfirst-ˈhand adjective, adverb

(of a story, description etc) obtained directly, not through various other people. a first-hand account; I heard the story first-hand. eerstehands مُباشِر، دون وَسيط от първа ръка em primeira mão z první ruky aus erster Hand førstehånds-; på første hånd από πρώτο χέρι directo, personal; directamente, personalmente; de primera mano vahetu(lt) دست اول ensi käden de première main מִמָקוֹר רִאשוֹן स्वत:, प्रत्यक्ष iz prve ruke első kézből (való) secara langsung milliliðalaus; frá fyrstu hendi di prima mano 直接の[] 직접 iš pirmųjų lūpų tieši; no pirmavota orang yang pertama uit de eerste hand førstehånds-, på første hånd z pierwszej ręki لومری لاسه em primeira mão direct (de la sursă) (полученный) из первых рук z prvej ruky iz prve roke iz prve ruke förstahands-, i första hand, direkt โดยตรง (ประสบการณ์) ilk elden, kaynağından 直接的/地 з перших рук جس کا براہ راست تجربہ ہوا ہو mắt thấy tai nghe 直接的(地)

ˌfirst-ˈrate adjective

of the best quality. She is a first-rate architect. eersteklas; eersterangs رائِع، مِن الطِّراز الأوَّل първокачествен excelente prvotřídní ausgezeichnet førsterangs- πρώτης τάξης estupendo esmajärguline تراز اول ensiluokkainen excellent מעולה अति उत्तम prvorazredan első osztályú terbaik fyrsta flokks, afbragðs- di prim'ordine 一流の 1류의 aukščiausios klasės pirmšķirīgs terbaik uitstekend tipp topp, førsteklasses pierwszorzędny لومری قیمت excelente de primă mână, exce­lent первоклассный prvotriedny prvovrsten prvoklasni förstklassig, prima ชั้นหนึ่ง birinci sınıf 第一流的 першорядний اول درجے کا thượng hạng 第一流的

at first

at the beginning. At first I didn't like him. eers; aanvanklik في البِدايَه първоначално no começo z počátku zuerst først; i begyndelsen στην αρχή al principio algul در ابتدا aluksi au début בהתחלה प्रारंभ में spocetka, isprva először, kezdetben mula-mula til að byrja með all'inizio 最初は 처음에 iš pradžių vispirms pada mulanya in het begin i begynnelsen, til å begynne med na początku په سر کی no começo la început сначала zo začiatku najprej u početku först ตั้งแต่ตอนแรก ilkin, ilk önce 起先 спочатку شروع میں lúc đầu; ban đầu 起先

at first hand

obtained etc directly. I was able to acquire information at first hand. eerstehands مُباشَرةً، بدون وَسيط от източника em primeira mão z první ruky aus erster Hand på første hånd από πρώτο χέρι de primera mano otsesest allikast بی واسطه suoraan de première main מִמָקוֹר רִאשוֹן स्वत:, प्रत्यक्ष direktno, iz prve ruke első kézből secara langsung milliliðalaus direttamente 直接に 직접 iš pirmųjų lūpų, iškart no pirmavota secara langsung uit de eerste hand på første hånd z pierwszej ręki بی واسطه em primeira mão direct (de la sursă) из первых рук z prvej ruky iz prve roke iz prve ruke direkt ได้มาโดยตรง doğrudan, kaynağından 直接地 з перших рук براہ راست trực tiếp 直接地

first and foremost

first of all. allereers أوَّلا وقَبل كل شَيء преди всичко antes de tudo především zu allererst først og fremmest; frem for alt πρώτο και κύριο antes que nada eeskätt اولین و مهم ترین ensi sijassa en tout premier lieu בָּראש וּבַרִאשוֹנָה सर्वप्रथम prije svega mindenekelőtt pertama sekali fyrst og fremst soprattutto まず第一に 무엇보다도 먼저 pirmiausia pirmām kārtām pertama sekali bovenal først og fremst przede wszystkim لومړی او دیره مهم antes de tudo în primul (şi în primul) rând прежде всего predovšetkým na prvem mestu prvo i najvažnije först ก่อนอื่น her şeyden önce 首先 насамперед سب سے پہلے đầu tiên và chủ yếu 首先

first of all

to begin with; the most important thing is. First of all, let's clear up the mess; First of all, the scheme is impossible – secondly, we can't afford it. eerstens أولا، بدايَةً най-напред antes de tudo především zu allererst for det første; først og fremmest πρώτ'απ' όλα, κατ' αρχήν en primer lugar kõigepealt قبل از همه ensinnäkin tout d'abord קוֹדֶם כּול सर्वप्रथम prije svega, ponajprije elsősorban terpenting, pertama-tama í fyrsta lagi prima di tutto まず最初に 무엇보다도 pirmiausia vispirms pertama-tama om te beginnen for det første przede wszystkim د توله نه بعد antes de tudo în primul rând в первую очередь predovšetkým najprej pre svega allra först, först och främst เป็นอย่างแรก önce, ilk önce 首先 насамперед سب سے پہلے trước hết 首先

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


أَوَّل, أَوَّلاً, لِلمَرَّةِ الأُولَى nejdříve, poprvé, první først, topkarakter Erster, zuerst πρώτα, πρωτιά, πρώτος antes, en primer lugar, primero, primicia ensimmäinen, ensin premier, premièrement prvi, prvo per primo, prima, primo 最初に, 最初の, 最初のもの 맨 첫, 처음으로, 첫 번째의 eerste begynnelse, først, første pierwsze miejsce, pierwszy, po raz pierwszy primeiramente, primeiro начальный, первый, сначала först, förste, högsta betyg ครั้งแรก, ที่หนึ่ง, อย่างแรก ilk, ilkin đầu tiên, trước hết 第一, 第一的, 首先

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • This is my first trip to ... → هَذِهِ هِيَ أَوَّلُ رِحْلَةٍ لي إِلَى... → Tohle je má první cesta do ... → Det er mit første besøg i ... → Das ist meine erste Reise nach ... → Είναι η πρώτη μου επίσκεψη στο ... → Este es mi primer viaje a ... → Tämä on ensimmäinen matkani ...an → C'est la première fois que je viens à... → Ovo je moje prvo putovanje u... → Questo è il mio primo viaggio in ... → ・・・への旅行はこれが初めてです → ...에 처음 왔어요 → Dit is mijn eerste reis naar ... → Dette er første gang jeg er i. → To moja pierwsza podróż do ... → Esta é minha primeira viagem para ... → Это моя первая поездка в … → Det är första gången jag reser till ... → นี่เป็นครั้งแรกที่ฉันเดินทางไป… → Bu benim ... a ilk gelişim → Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi đến ... → 这是我第一次来...
  • A first class round trip to ... (US)
    A first class return to ... (UK) → أُريدُ تَذْكِرَةَ ذهابٍ وعودةٍ في الدَرَجَةِ الُأولَى إِلَى... → Zpáteční jízdenku první třídy do ... → En retur på første klasse til ... → Eine Rückfahrkarte erster Klasse nach ... Ένα εισιτήριο πρώτης θέσης μετ' επιστροφής για ... → Un boleto de ida y vuelta en primera clase para ... → Ensimmäisen luokan meno-paluulippu ... → Un aller-retour en première classe pour ... → Povratnu kartu prvog razreda za … → Un biglietto andata e ritorno di prima classe per … → ・・・行き1等車往復 → ...까지 일등석 왕복이요 → Een retourtje eersteklas naar ... → En tur-retur . på første klasse → Proszę bilet powrotny pierwszej klasy do ... → Um bilhete de primeira classe de ida e volta para ... → Билет первого класса туда и обратно до ... → En tur- och returbiljett i första klass till ... → ตั๋วชั้นหนึ่งไปกลับไป…. ... a birinci sınıf bir gidiş dönüş bilet → Một vé khứ hồi hạng nhất đi ... → 一张去...的头等舱往返票
  • I would like to travel first class → أُريدُ السَفْرَ في الدَرَجَةِ الُأولَى → Chtěl bych cestovat první třídou → Vi vil gerne rejse på første klasse → Ich möchte in der ersten Klasse reisen → Θα ήθελα να ταξιδέψω στην πρώτη θέση → Quisiera viajar en primera clase → Haluaisin matkustaa ensimmäisessä luokassa → Je voudrais voyager en première classe → Želim putovati prvim razredom → Vorrei viaggiare in prima classe → 1等車に乗りたいのですが → 일등석으로 여행하고 싶어요 → Ik wil graag eersteklas reizen → Jeg vil gjerne reise på første klasse → Chciałbympodróżować w przedziale pierwszej klasy → Eu queria viajar em primeira classe → Я хотел бы путешествовать первым классом → Jag vill resa första klass → ฉันอยากเดินทางชั้นหนึ่ง → Birinci sınıf seyahat etmek istiyorum → Tôi muốn đi vé hạng nhất → 我要头等舱的
  • A first class cabin → كابينَةٌ مِنْ الدَرَجَةِ الُأولَى → Kabinu první třídy → En kahyt på første klasse → Eine Kabine erster Klasse → Καμπίνα πρώτης θέσης → Un camarote de primera clase → Ensimmäisen luokan hytti → Une cabine première classe → Kabinu prvog razreda → Una cabina di prima classe → 1等車 → 일등실이요 → Een eersteklas cabine → En lugar på første klasse → Przedział klasy pierwszej → Uma cabine de primeira classe → Каюта первого класса → Förstaklassvagn → ห้องพักเรือโดยสารชั้นหนึ่ง → Birinci sınıf bir kabin → Một khoang hạng nhất → 一张头等舱的
  • When is the first bus to ...? → ما هُوَ مَوْعِدُ أَوَّلُ باصٍ مُتَّجِهٍ إِلَى...؟ → Kdy jede první autobus do ...? → Hvad tid kører den første bus til ...? → Wann fährt der erste Bus nach ...? → Πότε είναι το πρώτο λεωφορείο για ...; → ¿A qué hora sale el primer autobús para ...? → Milloin lähtee ensimmäinen bussi ...? → À quelle heure est le premier bus pour ... ? → Kada ide prvi autobus za ...? → A che ora parte il primo autobus per ...? → ・・・へ行く始発のバスは何時ですか? → ... 가는 첫 버스는 언제 있나요? → Hoe laat gaat de eerste bus naar ...? → Når går første buss til .? → Kiedy odjeżdża pierwszy autobus do ...? → Quando é o primeiro ônibus para ...? → Когда первый автобус на ...? → När går första bussen till ...? → รถโดยสารคันแรกที่จะไป...….เดินทางเมื่อไร? ... a ilk otobüs kaçta? → Khi nào có chuyến xe buýt đầu tiên đi ...? → 去...的头班车是几点?
  • When is the first train to ...? → متى أَوَّلُ قِطارٍ مُتَّجِه إِلَى ...؟ → Kdy jede první vlak do ...? → Hvad tid kører det første tog til ...? → Wann fährt der erste Zug nach ...? → Πότε είναι το πρώτο τρένο για ...; → ¿Cuándo sale el primer tren para ...? → Milloin lähtee ensimmäinen juna ...? → À quelle heure est le premier train pour ... ? → Kada ide prvi vlak za ...? → Quando parte il primo treno per ...? → ・・・へ行く始発の電車は何時ですか? → ... 가는 첫 열차는 언제 있나요? → Wanneer gaat de eerste trein naar ...? → Når går første tog til .? → Kiedy jest pierwszy pociąg do ...? → Qual é o primeiro trem para ...? → Когда первый поезд на ...? → När går första tåget till ...? → รถไฟคันแรกที่จะไป…….จะมาเมื่อไร? ... a ilk tren kaçta? → Khi nào có chuyến tàu đầu tiên đi ...? → 去...的头班车是几点?
  • When is the first boat? → ما هو موعدُ الـمَرْكَبُ الَأوَّلُ → Kdy odplouvá první loď? → Hvad tid sejler den første båd? → Wann fährt das erste Schiff? → Τι ώρα είναι το πρώτο πλοίο; → ¿A qué hora sale el primer barco? → Milloin lähtee ensimmäinen alus? → À quelle heure est le premier bateau ? → Kada ide prvi brod? → Quando salpa la prima nave? → 始発の船は何時ですか? → 첫 배는 언제 있나요? → Wanneer gaat de eerste boot? → Når går første båt? → Kiedy odpływa pierwszy statek? → Quando é o primeiro barco? → Когда отправляется первый катер? → När går första båten? → เรือลำแรกมาเมื่อไร? → İlk vapur kaçta? → Khi nào thì có chuyến thuyền đầu tiên? → 头班船是几点钟?
  • When does the first chairlift go? (US)
    When does the first chair-lift go? (UK) → مَتَى يَتَحَرَّكُ أَوَلُ مِصْعَدٍ هَوَائِي للتَّزَلُّجِ؟ → Kdy začíná sedačková lanovka? → Hvad tid kører den første skilift? → Wann fährt der erste Sessellift? → Πότε φεύγει το πρώτο λιφτ; → ¿Cuándo sale el primer telesilla? → Milloin ensimmäinen hiihtohissi lähtee? → À quelle heure démarre le télésiège ? → Kada ide prva sedežnica? → Quando parte la prima seggiovia? → 最初のチェアリフトはいつ出ますか? → 첫 리프트는 언제 가나요? → Wanneer gaat de eerste stoeltjeslift? → Når er første tur med stolheisen? → Kiedy rusza pierwszy wyciąg krzesełkowy? → Quando sai o primeiro teleférico? → Когда начинает работу первый кресельный подъемник? → När går första sittliften? → ลิฟต์แบบเก้าอี้คันแรกจะขึ้นไปเมื่อไร? → İlk teleferik kaçta? → Khi nào chuyến ghế treo đầu tiên đi? → 第一个空中吊椅几点出发?

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj primero; — aid primeros auxilios; adv por primera vez; When did you first feel chest pain? ..¿Cuándo le dolió el pecho por primera vez?

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

What Is Supposed to Be in a First Aid Kit

Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/first

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